Static Public Member Functions | List of all members
utils::PclUtils< T > Class Template Reference

#include <pcl_utils.h>

Static Public Member Functions

static pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer::Ptr pclViewer ()
static pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer::Ptr pclViewer (typename PclCloud::Ptr &cloud)
static void showCloud (typename PclCloud::Ptr &cloud)
static void addColoredCloud (pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer::Ptr &viewer, typename PclCloud::Ptr &cloud, float r=255.0f, float g=0.0f, float b=0.0f)
static void downsample (typename PclCloud::Ptr &cloud, typename PclCloud::Ptr &outcloud, const float leaf=0.005f)
template<typename PointNT >
static void estimateNormal (typename pcl::PointCloud< PointNT >::Ptr &cloud, typename pcl::PointCloud< PointNT >::Ptr &outcloud, const float radius=0.01)
static PclCloud::Ptr cropPointCloud (typename PclCloud::Ptr &cloud, Eigen::Vector2i &topleft, Eigen::Vector2i &bottomright)
static PclCloud::Ptr cropPointCloud (typename PclCloud::Ptr &cloud, const Eigen::Vector4i &box)
static void filterOutliers (typename PclCloud::Ptr &cloud, std::string axis, float min, float max)
static PclCloud::Ptr extractIndices (typename PclCloud::Ptr &cloud, std::vector< int > &indices, bool negative=false, bool keep_organized=false)
static PclCloud::Ptr extractIndices (typename PclCloud::Ptr &cloud, pcl::PointIndices::Ptr &indices, bool negative=false, bool keep_organized=false)
static void extractIndices (typename PclCloud::Ptr &cloud, pcl::PointIndices::Ptr &indices, typename PclCloud::Ptr &out_cloud, bool negative=false, bool keep_organized=false)
static void segmentPlane (typename PclCloud::Ptr &cloud, pcl::ModelCoefficients::Ptr &coeff, pcl::PointIndices::Ptr &inliers)
static void filterTableTop (typename PclCloud::Ptr &cloud, float min_table_z, float min_table_x)
static void convertToXYZRGB (typename pcl::PointCloud< T > &cloud, Eigen::Vector3i &color, pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZRGB > &out_cloud)
static void cluster (typename PclCloud::Ptr &cloud, std::vector< pcl::PointIndices > &cluster_indices)
static Eigen::Vector4i findBox (const pcl::PointIndices &indices, typename PclCloud::Ptr &cloud)
static T findNearestNonNan (typename PclCloud::Ptr &cloud, int cx, int cy)
static T createPoint (float x, float y, float z)
static PclCloud::Ptr createCloud (const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::MatrixXf > &mat)
static Eigen::Matrix< float, 3, 8 > createOrientedBox (typename PclCloud::Ptr &cloud)

Detailed Description

template<typename T>
class utils::PclUtils< T >

Utility functions for PCL library

Once the class is templated, the static methods act as common utiltiy functions for that specific type unless it accepts another type.

Member Function Documentation

template<typename T >
static void utils::PclUtils< T >::addColoredCloud ( pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer::Ptr &  viewer,
typename PclCloud::Ptr &  cloud,
float  r = 255.0f,
float  g = 0.0f,
float  b = 0.0f 

Add pointcloud to the visualizer with colored option. Default color is RED

viewerPCL Visualizer object that is created either using pcl-utils or PCL.
cloudInput pointcloud pointer.
rRed component. To choose random color, pass r as any negative number.
gGreen component.
bBlue component.
template<typename T >
static void utils::PclUtils< T >::cluster ( typename PclCloud::Ptr &  cloud,
std::vector< pcl::PointIndices > &  cluster_indices 

Cluster pointcloud by Euclidean distance.

ClusterTolerance: 0.02 // 2cm Min cluster size: 600 Max cluster size: 50000

cloudInput pointcloud pointer.
cluster_indicesOutput vector of PointIndices of all the clusters
template<typename T >
static void utils::PclUtils< T >::convertToXYZRGB ( typename pcl::PointCloud< T > &  cloud,
Eigen::Vector3i &  color,
pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZRGB > &  out_cloud 

Convert XYZ cloud to XYZRGB cloud.

template<typename T >
static PclCloud::Ptr utils::PclUtils< T >::createCloud ( const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::MatrixXf > &  mat)

Factory method to create pointcloud from the Eigen matrix

matEigen matrix of size 3xn.
Newly created pointcloud pointer.
template<typename T >
static Eigen::Matrix<float, 3, 8> utils::PclUtils< T >::createOrientedBox ( typename PclCloud::Ptr &  cloud)

Creates a 3D oriented bounding box around the given pointcloud.

cloudInput pointcloud pointer.
Eigen matrix of size 3x8. Eight point of the cuboid.
template<typename T >
static T utils::PclUtils< T >::createPoint ( float  x,
float  y,
float  z 

Factory method to create a Point of templated type.

Newly created point.
template<typename T >
static PclCloud::Ptr utils::PclUtils< T >::cropPointCloud ( typename PclCloud::Ptr &  cloud,
Eigen::Vector2i &  topleft,
Eigen::Vector2i &  bottomright 

Crop an organized pointcloud using the given bounding box.

cloudInput pointcloud pointer.
topleftEigen vector for (x,y) value to represent topleft corner of the bounding box.
bottomrightEigen vector for bottom-right corner.
Cropped pointcloud
template<typename T >
static PclCloud::Ptr utils::PclUtils< T >::cropPointCloud ( typename PclCloud::Ptr &  cloud,
const Eigen::Vector4i &  box 

Crop an organized pointcloud using the given bounding box.

cloudInput pointcloud pointer.
boxEigen vector that contains (x,y,x2,y2) denoting a bounding box.
Cropped pointcloud
template<typename T >
static void utils::PclUtils< T >::downsample ( typename PclCloud::Ptr &  cloud,
typename PclCloud::Ptr &  outcloud,
const float  leaf = 0.005f 

Downsample pointcloud using given leaf size.

Refer pcl::VoxelGrid for details.

cloudInput pointcloud pointer.
outcloudOutput pointcloud pointer.
leafLeaf size for VoxelGrid downsampling (default is 0.005)
template<typename T >
template<typename PointNT >
static void utils::PclUtils< T >::estimateNormal ( typename pcl::PointCloud< PointNT >::Ptr &  cloud,
typename pcl::PointCloud< PointNT >::Ptr &  outcloud,
const float  radius = 0.01 

Surface normal estimation for the given pointcloud

Refer pcl::NormalEstimationOMP for details

cloudInput pointcloud pointer.
outcloudOutput pointcloud pointer.
radiusRadius search parameter for Normal Estimation.
template<typename T >
static PclCloud::Ptr utils::PclUtils< T >::extractIndices ( typename PclCloud::Ptr &  cloud,
std::vector< int > &  indices,
bool  negative = false,
bool  keep_organized = false 

Indices points extractor. Extract the points from the pointcloud based on the input indices.

cloudInput pointcloud pointer.
indicesVector of indices of the points in the pointcloud.
negativeIf true, the indices are excluded and remaining points are retained. Default is false.
keep_organizedIf true, the points that does not met the condition will be set to NaN.
Output cloud after filtering.
template<typename T >
static PclCloud::Ptr utils::PclUtils< T >::extractIndices ( typename PclCloud::Ptr &  cloud,
pcl::PointIndices::Ptr &  indices,
bool  negative = false,
bool  keep_organized = false 

Indices points extractor. Extract the points from the pointcloud based on the input indices.

cloudInput pointcloud pointer.
indicesPointIndices object that represents the input indices.
negativeIf true, the indices are excluded and remaining points are retained. Default is false.
keep_organizedIf true, the points that does not met the condition will be set to NaN.
Output cloud after filtering.
template<typename T >
static void utils::PclUtils< T >::extractIndices ( typename PclCloud::Ptr &  cloud,
pcl::PointIndices::Ptr &  indices,
typename PclCloud::Ptr &  out_cloud,
bool  negative = false,
bool  keep_organized = false 

Indices points extractor. Extract the points from the pointcloud based on the input indices.

cloudInput pointcloud pointer.
indicesVector of indices of the points in the pointcloud.
outcloudOutput pointcloud pointer.
negativeIf true, the indices are excluded and remaining points are retained. Default is false.
keep_organizedIf true, the points that does not met the condition will be set to NaN.
template<typename T >
static void utils::PclUtils< T >::filterOutliers ( typename PclCloud::Ptr &  cloud,
std::string  axis,
float  min,
float  max 

Pass-Through filter for any axis. Filters the points that meets the given minmax criteria. Filter is applied on the input pointcloud itself.

cloudInput pointcloud pointer.
axisA string denoting the axis. Either "x" / "y" / "z".
minMinimum allowed value for the given axis.
maxMaximum allowed value for the given axis.
template<typename T >
static void utils::PclUtils< T >::filterTableTop ( typename PclCloud::Ptr &  cloud,
float  min_table_z,
float  min_table_x 

Filter out the pointcloud and keep only table-top points.

This utility can be used to filter the objects on top of the table. Input cloud is modified directly.

cloudInput pointcloud pointer.
min_table_zMinimum z value to be considered.
min_table_xMinimum x value to be considered.
template<typename T >
static Eigen::Vector4i utils::PclUtils< T >::findBox ( const pcl::PointIndices &  indices,
typename PclCloud::Ptr &  cloud 

Find the enclosing 2D bouding box of the given cluster

indicesCluster indices in the pointcloud
cloudInput pointcloud pointer.
Eigen vector of (x,y,x2,y2) bouding box.
template<typename T >
static T utils::PclUtils< T >::findNearestNonNan ( typename PclCloud::Ptr &  cloud,
int  cx,
int  cy 

Finds the closest Non-NaN point around the given location. Searches for the NonNan point in a circular way by increasing radius on each iteration.

cloudInput pointcloud pointer.
cxCenter point x-value.
cyCenter point y-value.
The closest point.
template<typename T >
static pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer::Ptr utils::PclUtils< T >::pclViewer ( )

Creates a PCL Visualizer with general settings such as black background and added coordinate system (xyz axes).

Created PCL Visualizer
template<typename T >
static pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer::Ptr utils::PclUtils< T >::pclViewer ( typename PclCloud::Ptr &  cloud)

Creates a PCL Visualizer with the input cloud added in it.

template<typename T >
static void utils::PclUtils< T >::segmentPlane ( typename PclCloud::Ptr &  cloud,
pcl::ModelCoefficients::Ptr &  coeff,
pcl::PointIndices::Ptr &  inliers 

Fits a plane in the given pointcloud using RANSAC.

cloudInput pointcloud pointer.
coeffOutput plane coefficients of the fitten plane.
inliersOutput point indices of the inlier points.
template<typename T >
static void utils::PclUtils< T >::showCloud ( typename PclCloud::Ptr &  cloud)

Opens the PCL Visualizer and shows up the given point cloud.

cloudThe input pointcloud pointer

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